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Tim Price: The End of Fiat And How To Protect Your Portfolio

Tim Price: The End of Fiat And How To Protect Your Portfolio

Gold, I think absolutely still has value, I think gold is the single most attractive asset”. These are just some of the many words of wisdom from today’s guest, Tim Price of Price Value Partners. In my chat with Tim we discuss the instability in global financial markets and the potential for an economic “great […]
They’re Ready, Are You? Simon Hunt on How To Prepare For The Next Global Order

They’re Ready, Are You? Simon Hunt on How To Prepare For The Next Global Order

As ever this is a wide-ranging chat with the financial and global markets expert. His insights into (and contacts within) the geopolitical sphere are fascinating. The conclusions he draws are concerning, but his advice (for gold investors) is reassuring.  Whether you’re looking to learn more about the intentions of the BRICs, who will win in the […]
Rick Rule Unveiling the Truth About Gold

Rick Rule Unveiling the Truth About Gold

This week we spoke to Rick Rule of Rule Investment Media. Rick shares his expert perspective on navigating economic uncertainty and investing in gold. Discover why he chooses to allocate part of his portfolio to gold, not for short-term gains, but as insurance against systemic shocks and market uncertainty. Hear him talk about the benefits […]
Gary Savage’s Bold Call for $10,000 Gold

Gary Savage’s Bold Call for $10,000 Gold

Last week we spoke to Gary Savage of Smart Money Tracker where he discussed the current state of the market and provides insights into potential future movements. He discusses various topics, including stock market trends, four-year cycle lows, precious metals like gold and silver, and the oil market. Gary predicts significant moves in commodities, such […]
Five highlights from our most watched interview

Five highlights from our most watched interview

Last week we released our much-anticipated interview with Jim Rogers. The response has been absolutely brilliant. Interviews with Jim are always thought-provoking but I think the success of this interview comes from the fact that last week saw Jim really take a stern approach to warning us about the future of the global economy. In […]
Jim Rogers and his Survival Plan for the coming Debt Collapse

Jim Rogers and his Survival Plan for the coming Debt Collapse

It’s rare that I get the opportunity to interview somebody who is described as a financial markets guru, a commodities legend, the best selling author of multiple books, and above all else, a true gentleman. But, it is even rarer that I get to do it three times. Luckily for me that is the case […]
Marc Faber on his gold investment and why he’ll never sell

Marc Faber on his gold investment and why he’ll never sell

Marc Faber, author of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report is a true legend when it comes to investment, economics and the precious metals markets. We always enjoy having him on GoldCore TV. He has a unique way of assessing the state of play and has no qualms about telling you what he really thinks! […]
Gareth Soloway: The next break out for gold is imminent

Gareth Soloway: The next break out for gold is imminent

Earlier today we spoke to one of our favourite chart experts, Gareth Soloway.  Since we last spoke to Gareth gold has hit an all time high, silver hasn’t done very much at all and all the while cinder kegs across the world keep sparking.   We took a few minutes to speak to Gareth about where […]
David Hunter Called It Last Time, What’s Next?

David Hunter Called It Last Time, What’s Next?

2024 is a new year and that means a new bunch of interviews are coming your way on GoldCore TV. First up we have Contrarian Macro Strategist David Hunter.  Last time David was on the show he made some punchy calls, which were the absolute opposite to what the mainstream was suggesting was going to […]
Chris Vermeulen on Gold: This Is A Super Cycle At Play

Chris Vermeulen on Gold: This Is A Super Cycle At Play

When we woke up to see gold had hit an all-time high overnight we knew we needed to take a look at some charts. And who better to do that with than technical analyst Chris Vermuelen of  GoldCore CEO, Dave Russell took some time this afternoon to speak with Chris about what took the […]