
Season 2 of The Goldnomics Podcast – Now Live!
You can also listen to The Goldnomics Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts Episode 1: Rick Rule on central bank actions and the catastrophic implications for financial markets In the first episode of the new series of The Goldnomics Podcast, GoldCore’s Dave Russell speaks to Rick Rule of Rule Investment Media, formerly of Sprott […]
Gold Gives You Personal Sovereignty
Dave Lukas of Misfit Entrepreneur invites Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore, to the show. Dave and Stephen talk about what people should know before investing in gold and silver, the present state of inflation, central banking, and the monetary system. Further, he explains why gold is still your safe-haven asset and how it provides you […]
How Much Gold Do I Need In My Portfolio
In this episode of the #Goldnomics podcast, Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore, Mark O’Byrne of Health Wealth Gold, and Dave Russell of GoldCoreTV discuss what assets and asset classes they believe should be included in the portfolio in order to both protect you from and take advantage of the current megatrends identified in the previous […]