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This Little Known Indicator Says Gold Is Still Set For A Major Rally In 2022

This Little Known Indicator Says Gold Is Still Set For A Major Rally In 2022

If you’ve been looking at the gold and silver prices lately and wondering when the broad-based asset sell-off will take the pressure off, then you will enjoy this week’s offering on GoldCore TV. This week David Russell has been speaking to Patrick Karim of, the website that provides technical analysis for the inspired. Patrick […]
David Hunter Stock Market Prediction – DOW 45,000 In 2022

David Hunter Stock Market Prediction – DOW 45,000 In 2022

David Russell of GoldCore TV welcomes back David Hunter, Chief Macro Strategist with Contrarian Macro Advisors, who predicts that a ‘Melt-Up’ boom will still take the DOW to 45,000, the NASDAQ to 20,000, and the S&P to 6,000. He has also revised upwards his gold and silver price targets for 2022 to $3,000 and $50, […]
Physical Gold and Silver – Essential for what’s coming – Lobo Tiggre

Physical Gold and Silver – Essential for what’s coming – Lobo Tiggre

‘In case of an emergency, you need physical gold and silver,’ so says this week’s guest on GoldCore TV, Lobo Tiggre of the Independent Speculator. With the Fed poised to raise interest rates and inflation hitting 8.5 %, the Biden administration is accusing the war of causing the inflation crisis rather than their own mismanagement […]
Inflation Protection Strategies You Need to Implement Now

Inflation Protection Strategies You Need to Implement Now

This week on GoldCore TV, Dave Russell welcomes Tim Price of Price Value Partners. Tim sees the current inflationary pressures as simply the beginning of a bigger move that could end in a new monetary system. Click Below to Watch the Video Make sure you don’t miss a single episode… Subscribe to our YouTube channel Buy Gold […]
Europe Energy Dependence Crisis

Europe Energy Dependence Crisis

This week on GoldCore TV, Dave Russell welcomes back Energy Expert – Steve St. Angelo of SRSroccoReport, to discuss Europe’s deepening energy crisis and how oil and natural gas markets are now being weaponised by Russia. He is convinced that we are continuing to slide off the “energy cliff” and strongly argues that the best […]
Gold Price Today – Gareth Soloway

Gold Price Today – Gareth Soloway

Dave Russell of GoldCore TV welcomes back Gareth Soloway of where we ask if the bull market for stocks is back and if $2,500 on gold is still on the cards for 2022? What role does the inversion of the yield curve play in signaling a US recession? Click Below to Watch the Video […]
Lynette Zang New Interview- Why the US Dollar is Doomed

Lynette Zang New Interview- Why the US Dollar is Doomed

This week on GoldCore TV, Dave Russell welcomes Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst of ITM Trading, to discuss how central banks have weaponized financial assets to exert pressure on Russia. Will these actions have unintended consequences not only for financial markets but also for central bank currency reserves, jeopardizing the USDollar’s status as the world’s […]
Gold Gives You Personal Sovereignty

Gold Gives You Personal Sovereignty

Dave Lukas of Misfit Entrepreneur invites Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore, to the show. Dave and Stephen talk about what people should know before investing in gold and silver, the present state of inflation, central banking, and the monetary system. Further, he explains why gold is still your safe-haven asset and how it provides you […]
The Truth About The National Debt- Ex-US Comptroller General

The Truth About The National Debt- Ex-US Comptroller General

On today’s episode of GoldCore TV, David Russell welcomes David M Walker, the former Comptroller General of the United States, to discuss the National Debt Crisis in the United States and how only a deepening of the problem will force policymakers to take unpopular steps necessary to avoid disaster.  How much worse will the situation […]
Why Gold is not Your Productive Asset

Why Gold is not Your Productive Asset

This week, Tom Bodrovics of Palisades Gold Radio was joined by Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore to discuss the concerns about Fed mandates and how higher interest rates may lower inflation but may kill the economy. Watch the full episode to learn why Stephen believes gold is not your productive asset and where he discusses […]