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Dinner Party with Marc Faber, David Morgan and Jim Rickards

Dinner Party with Marc Faber, David Morgan and Jim Rickards

Imagine you could throw a dinner party with some of the great minds of the gold and silver world. Who would you invite? What would you ask them?  GoldCore newcomer Jan Skoyles did just this. Going through the GoldCore TV archives, Jan found some unused footage with some of the greats of the gold and […]
More energy blows are dealt to Europe, causing a cold chill to be even colder

More energy blows are dealt to Europe, causing a cold chill to be even colder

When people ask why they should invest in gold or buy silver coins, we often explain that they should do so because they are a form of insurance. Many of us are taking steps right now to protect ourselves from the impact of inflation on our day-to-day spending, others are trying to manage the increase […]
Will Silver Prices Go Up to $300?

Will Silver Prices Go Up to $300?

This week’s guest is so bullish on silver that he’s even written a best-selling book ‘The Great Silver Bull’ where he takes an in-depth look at why silver will outperform gold once again and even go as high as $300 an ounce. Author and investments editor Peter Krauth joins Dave Russell on GoldCore TV to […]
Brent Johnson Interview-The Dollar Milkshake Theory Explained

Brent Johnson Interview-The Dollar Milkshake Theory Explained

“It’s the dollar strength, which brings the system down.” This week GoldCore’s Dave Russell welcomes Brent Johnson of Santiago Capital onto GoldCore TV. Brent Johnson is the CEO and founder of Santiago Capital and the man behind the Dollar Milkshake Theory. Dave’s conversation with Brent is well-worth watching as they cover US dollar strength, if […]
A muddled message from The Fed

A muddled message from The Fed

If you have decided to buy gold bullion or to buy silver coins in the last few months then you may have been delighted with how last night’s Fed press conference went. If you’re still wondering if or how to invest in gold then it might be worth paying attention to what central banks are […]
Episode 3 of The M3 Report with David Morgan [Watch Now]

Episode 3 of The M3 Report with David Morgan [Watch Now]

Is silver the perfect investment? Is it the biggest tech play? Why is the price below $20? Can we survive without silver?  All this and more in today’s The M3 Report! If you’re not already subscribed to GoldCoreTV then click here right now to make sure you’re all set to watch the third episode of […]
When Rock begins to beat Paper

When Rock begins to beat Paper

When you choose to invest in gold it can be confusing to know the best way to add it to your portfolio. Should you buy gold bullion? Should you buy a gold ETF? Or maybe gold mining shares? It’s a minefield! Here at GoldCore, we see it very simply: if you want to get all […]
Long Term Gold Price Prediction- Kevin Wadsworth

Long Term Gold Price Prediction- Kevin Wadsworth

What do the weather and the markets have in common? Quite a bit says this week’s guest! Kevin Wadsworth is a meteorologist-turned-chart analyst who has a lot of interesting insight and predictions into market movements and the price of gold.  Kevin joins GoldCore TV host Dave Russell to discuss how he applies his 35 years […]
Inflation Crisis 2022 – Marc Faber Interview (Full)

Inflation Crisis 2022 – Marc Faber Interview (Full)

Tune into GoldCore TV where we have just released the full, frank and direct interview with Dr. Marc Faber of the Gloom, Boom, Doom Report in a no-holds barred interview. Following on from the excerpts shown on last week’s The M3 Report we have today released the full interview with the highly-respected veteran of the […]
Gold  traders on trial: Only buy physical

Gold traders on trial: Only buy physical

Followers of the gold and silver price will have long been aware of the cases brought against large banks for manipulating the precious metals markets. This week has brought the issue to the fore as three former JP Morgan employees stand trial for “racketeering conspiracy as well as conspiring to commit price manipulation, wire fraud, […]