This week, Steve St. Angelo of SrSRocco Report joins Dave Russell of GoldCore TV to discuss the Energy Cliff and its implications on the future economy and asset values. And why he invests in precious metals because of these energy dynamics. Click the Video Below to Watch Make sure you don’t miss a single episode… […]
The Fed has made a massive policy error, according to our guest on GoldCore TV this week, John Mauldin of Mauldin Economics. Will this mean higher inflation and a catastrophic impact on the economy? John also reveals his real reason for holding gold and the only 4 equities he holds in his investment portfolio. Click […]
New York Times bestseller author, investment advisor, and money manager Dr. Stephen Leeb is this week’s guest on GoldCore TV. He discusses the rise of China, the emergence of China’s Digital Currency, the transition from fossil fuels to green energy, and why a new monetary system is on the cards. The interview is in 2 […]
Dave Russell of GoldCore TV welcomes Kevin Muir, author of Kevin outlines the factors that are driving inflation and how now Inflation is everywhere Watch the full interview to find out more. Watch the Video to Learn More Make sure you don’t miss a single episode… Subscribe to our YouTube channel Inflation Is HereWatch Peter Boockvar […]
Lawrence Lepard Portfolio Manager and advocate of sound money, is our guest on this episode of GoldCore TV. With 40% of money in the US being created in the last 2 years, we ask Lawrence if the Fed is trapped. If so will this mean that it is going to be very difficult for them […]
Peter Grandich is Dave Russell’s guest on GoldCore TV this week and talks about how he believes that the US financial, political, and military reputation has been seriously damaged. Watch the Video to Learn More Make sure you don’t miss a single episode… Subscribe to our YouTube channel Don’t Sell Your Gold!Watch Dr. Marc Faber on GoldCore […]
On today’s episode of GoldCore TV, Louis Gave of GaveKal joins Dave Russell to discuss whether the gold market can rebound quickly after the recent flash crash? Louis also gives his interpretation of the current state of financial markets and his views on central banks’ digital currency and the future of Bitcoin. Watch the Video to Learn […]
In this episode of the #Goldnomics podcast, Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore, Mark O’Byrne of Health Wealth Gold, and Dave Russell of GoldCoreTV discuss what assets and asset classes they believe should be included in the portfolio in order to both protect you from and take advantage of the current megatrends identified in the previous […]
In the latest episode of the #Goldnomics Podcast, Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore and Mark O’Byrne of Health Wealth Gold joins Dave Russell to discuss if it is possible to build the #perfectportfolio for the next 10 years? But what are the current megatrends that are emerging and how will it affect your portfolio? How can […]
The best time to buy gold and silver is now, according to, #GlobalProTrader David Brady who is Dave Russell’s guest on the latest episode of GoldCore TV. David shares with us his thoughts about gold as a hedge against inflation and as a hedge against the dollar. Using his personal trading methodology FIPESTxM, he discusses […]